TF3 #017

Steal my secret of working with big clients as a solopreneur

Published on
May 23, 2023
Read time
2 min 11 sec

Landing big clients go down to 3 things

But first, why would you like to work with big clients anyway?

  • They pay better! Dough! 
  • They don't need micro-managing
  • They let you do your job.
  • They'll support you. 

I've worked with more than 300 clients in the last 13 years. From award-winning companies to big content creators we all look up to. 

In addition, I've interviewed dozens of solopreneurs in The Nomad Solopreneur Show. On top of that, I've discussed on LinkedIn with over 100 self-employees, from solopreneurs to freelancers. 

What I found might surprise you. While knowing how to sell your services is great, selling is not the common aptitude of those working with big clients. That comes as a by-product. 

What do all of us have in common?

Master in our craft, excellent communication skills, and robust network. 

Let's break it down.

  1. Master your craft. As obvious as it might sound, most self-employees, from freelancers to solopreneurs, could be better at what they do. Don't get me wrong, you don't have to be the best, but you need to be able to deliver results for your clients. Fake it until you make it just doesn't work anymore in the age of AI. 
  2. Communication. Delivering your message and vision about your craft and what you can do for your clients is undoubtedly the most underrated skill when selling your services. You don't have to know all the psychological traits of why we buy (even if that is helpful), but you need to know how to convey your message in a way that's clearly understood. 
  3. Network. The power of building relationships is the most significant skill I learned in my early days when I was still a freelancer. Every successful individual I know is surrounded by a strong network that supports each other and shares opportunities that otherwise would be hard to reach.

While you can make it work without the above 3, your life will be ten times easier if you excel at the above.

The Art of effective networking 

Everyone is telling you to build your network, get into DMs, foster relationships, etc.

But how to do it properly?

It all comes down to trust. 

Pitching someone with your offer in the first few messages is NOT building trust!

If you need someone to care and listen, you must have a few things in place. It would be best to come across as someone who gives first, listens more than talks, shows genuine interest in others, is transparent, and can deliver results.

That's how you build trust and, ultimately, authority. 

Finally, the secret? Be human! People love connecting to other humans, not to a sales representative trying to push something they don't even need. Help if you can and if you have permission to do so. The sale will take care of itself. 

Weekly Challenge

This week I challenge you to connect with at least 10 people on LinkedIn genuinely. Without an agenda, without trying to sell. Listen carefully to what others are saying, ask questions, start knowing them better both as humans and professionals, and try to have a virtual or in-person conversation with them. Again, no agenda!

That's how I build the websites of Debora Prossomariti and Nat Berman.

Which both generated for my web design business Digital Finest dozens of leads in the process.

Extra 3

Here are 3 bonus tools and resources I believe you'll find helpful as well:

  • Steal Debora Prossomariti 14 ready-to-use pieces of content that convert. 2 weeks of content that generated 5-7 weekly leads with analysis of the psychology behind their use and real-life examples.
  • Join Nat Bermans' Free 30 Day Productivity Challenge, and you’ll be more productive than ever. A short 5-minute video/day, follow the steps, and see your productivity grow!
  • Discover 30 Proven Strategies to Find Clients by yours truly. Download here.

Until next week,

Pura Vida

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