TF3 #033

How to Attract Customers with Precision Without Wasting Time & Money

Published on
September 12, 2023
Read time
2 min 12 sec

A Tactical Approach to Marketing

Imagine running a marathon blindfolded. If you're a solopreneur, you probably approach marketing that way, whether you're a content creator, coach, or consultant. You're sprinting full force but have no idea where the finish line is or even if you're headed in the right direction.

You see, launching a service or product without a marketing strategy is a gamble. Too often, it results in wasted time, energy, and resources.

Posting on every social media or running paid ads, you might think, is enough. You might consider these tactics to be your “strategy.” But the truth is, while these random tactics can help, they often lead to disappointment.

Without a cohesive strategy, these efforts don't compound. And they don't guide potential clients down a clear path to purchasing.

Dive into Behavioral Psychology and Create Your Map

Understanding your potential client's desires, pain points, and behaviors is the treasure map's key. By aligning your marketing messages with these insights, you create magnetic content that resonates on a personal level.

Three-Step Map to Precision Marketing:

1. Understand Your Audience

Dig Deep: Go beyond demographics. What keeps them up at night? What gets them out of bed in the morning?

Shape Your Message: Test this formula. "I help [ideal customer] achieve [desired outcome] within [specific time], without [their biggest concern]."

Eg: "I help busy professionals stay fit with 15-minute daily workouts, ensuring productivity doesn’t plummet."

2. Choose Your Platforms Wisely

Where Do They Hang Out?: If your audience is professionals, LinkedIn might be a goldmine. If they're millennials interested in fashion, maybe Instagram or TikTok is your stage.

Quality Over Quantity: It's better to dominate one platform than to be just okay on five.

3. Test, Monitor and Tweak

Start Small: Test your message on the chosen platform to see how your audience responds.

Analyze the Data: Use platform-specific analytics, user feedback, and DM's to understand the data.

Refine Your Approach: Adjust based on feedback and performance metrics.

Why do People say "YES"

The book that delves into the principles of why people say “yes” is “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert B. Cialdini.

Dr. Cialdini teaches us how to apply the six principles of persuasion: Reciprocity, Commitment/ Consistency, Social Proof, Authority, Liking, and Scarcity, in various marketing aspects. It's a game-changer for anyone seeking to sharpen their marketing strategy and communication.

Understanding and ethically leveraging these principles can dramatically enhance one's ability to influence and persuade others.

Weekly Challenge

Start by identifying the deepest desires and fears of your target clients. Draft a message that speaks directly to that, then test it. For the next seven days, use this refined message in all your marketing materials and communications. Monitor the reactions and adjust as necessary.

In the end, it's all about understanding and connecting. Your services have value, and there are people out there searching for what you offer. By shaping a strategy that hones in on your audience's true desires and fears, you pave a clear, shining path straight to your business door.

Don't keep them in the dark. Illuminate the way, and watch as the right clients eagerly follow the trail.

Extra 3

Here are 3 bonus resources I believe you'll find helpful:

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